Continuing my series of workouts, no equipment workout 8 includes double unders and situps. Now I know that technically, double unders require a jump rope (aka equipment) but read further for some ideas in case you do not have a jump rope.
As of today, I’ve been doing the Insanity Workout Program for the past 6 days.
I’m continuing to post travel/no equipment CrossFit workouts. But to be totally honest, I’m completely wiped out from Insanity. One of the workouts I was going to post was 300 squats for time, but Ummm…I’m just not feeling it. So below is a workout that I thought would be doable on the recovery day.
I may not always do the workout I post because I REALLY want to give Insanity a strong go and that’s for a 2-month cycle.
So without further adieu….the no equipment workout this week.
In case you didn’t know, a double under is a jump rope jump where the rope passes around you twice per jump. If you can’t do double unders, you can do regular jump ropes, work like mad to get your double unders down, do high knees or tuck jumps.
Super quick workout and should be a heart pumper.
Since this is a timed workout there’s not really a good way to score other than counting your reps. Either way, get to workin’ as hard as you can since you have limited time.
No Equipment Workout 8

If you’re looking for more no equipment workouts, check out one of these workouts below. Simply click on the link for the number of rounds and repetitions
Workout No 1: Walking Lunges & Pushups
Workout No 2: Run & Squats
Workout No 3: Jumping Squats, Hand Release Pushups, & Situps
Workout No 4: Double Unders & Pushups
Workout No 5: Tuck Jumps, Squats, & Broad Jumps
Workout No 6: Pushups, Situps, & Squats
Workout No 7: Run
Workout No 8: Double Unders & Situps
Workout No 9: Run, Squats, & Burpees
Workout No 10: Pushups, Squats, Situps, & Jumping Jacks
Workout No 11: Run, Squats, & Burpees (very similar to No 9…sorry folks!)
If you completed the workout, how did you do? If this is a repeat workout for you, did you improve on time or form? Let me know in the comments.
just reading “300 squats” in my head, wears me out! but i like your workouts a little better, at least in theory. 🙂 i’m having an awful time getting up and going in this cold weather, even in the indoors.
Good luck!
Yes, Jole, 300 squats does sound wearing! It has been tough for me to get going this winter too, which is why I like that these workouts are short. It almost makes it so there is no excuse NOT to do it and then you’re done. Almost. 🙂
Insanity is great! I can still hear Shaun T yellin, “c’mon y’all, let’s GOOOO!!” how are you able to pull it off in an RV though?
It is comical!
I manage somehow even with the limited space. Can you believe that I did one of the workouts with a friend in the camper?? Crazy. Mark came home during that workout and commented that we sounded like a herd of skinny women jumping around inside a camper.
But a plus is the lodge at the campground has a huge area that I can workout in if I get sick of Insanity – camper style.