Continuing my series of workouts, no equipment workout 13 includes jumping squats, hand release pushups, and sit-ups. Today’s workout has a common CrossFit rep sequence. 21 – 15 – 9.
When I was at the Level 1 Certification, they said there was really no reason for the particular number, it was just a rep scheme that was chosen by the founder.
Jumping squats – pretty self-explanatory. You squat and then on the way up, you jump.
Hand-release pushups are standard (no – knees if you can) pushups but when you are in the down position, your body completely touches the floor and you bring your hands up OFF the floor. Then you do another pushup. They are awkward but that is the point.
Situps are standard, no crunches allowed. If you need lumbar back support, just roll up a sweatshirt and place it in the small of your back.
So how did you do? I got 5:36.
It’s a quick workout for sure….but that’s part of what I love about this type of workout. You get rewarded the faster you go.
8:45. I can’t do push-ups like you Julie:( maybe someday lol
Yes you will!!! Great job!