This is the first in a series of no equipment workouts I’ll be publishing. No equipment workout 1 includes walking lunges and pushups for time. This one is very simple and should be a quick one.
Couple of things to keep in mind…
- Time yourself.
- Work quickly.
- Do “guy” pushups if you’re able to. That is the prescribed way, knee pushups are okay but your goal is to do regular pushups (or at least as many as you can).
- For the walking lunges, don’t let your knee go past your toe on your forward leg, the back leg should “kiss” the ground.
So how did you do? I’ll update you with my time when I finish the workout.
If you’re looking for more no equipment workouts, check out one of these workouts below. Simply click on the link for the number of rounds and repetitions
Workout No 1: Walking Lunges & Pushups
Workout No 2: Run & Squats
Workout No 3: Jumping Squats, Hand Release Pushups, & Situps
Workout No 4: Double Unders & Pushups
Workout No 5: Tuck Jumps, Squats, & Broad Jumps
Workout No 6: Pushups, Situps, & Squats
Workout No 7: Run
Workout No 8: Double Unders & Situps
Workout No 9: Run, Squats, & Burpees
Workout No 10: Pushups, Squats, Situps, & Jumping Jacks
Workout No 11: Run, Squats, & Burpees (very similar to No 9…sorry folks!)
If you completed the workout, how did you do? If this is a repeat workout for you, did you improve on time or form? Let me know in the comments.
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14.53. I’m horrible at push-up’s so they were girl push-up’s lol Have to start some where though. By the 5th round I was thinking Julie is crazy, 10 rounds of 10 push-up’s. Thanks for sharing. Good incentive to get moving!
Awesome!! I’m so glad this could get you moving. Hopefully I’ll get my time up this evening!
14.53. I’m horrible at push-up’s so they were girl push-up’s lol Have to start some where though. By the 5th round I was thinking Julie is crazy, 10 rounds of 10 push-up’s. Thanks for sharing. Good incentive to get moving!
So is there a warm up I should do first or do I just get into it?
Ah yes, we are horrible about warming up, always were too! If you want to warm up, do so but I don’t have a specific warm-up (since I never do it anyway) :).
9:56. Finished this one about 30 minutes ago. I did all regular pushups, which I just recently started doing again. Knowing I was going to post my time, was added pressure.
Nice. I wish I could do regular push-up’s.
9:56. Finished this one about 30 minutes ago. I did all regular pushups, which I just recently started doing again. Knowing I was going to post my time, was added pressure.
7:21 with girl push-ups
Great work lady!!
7:21 with girl push-ups
Are you going to post a new workout today? No push-ups lol my arms are still sore
🙂 Sure!! I’ll put one up in a few minutes!
🙂 Sure!! I’ll put one up in a few minutes!