Continuing my series of workouts, no equipment workout 4 includes double unders and pushups.
So today is one of those days where my mantra has become…
I will workout today.
I will workout today.
I will workout today.
Holidays and working out seem to be especially difficult for some reason.
But I will workout today.
For this no equipment, (really low equipment) workout, you’ll need a jump rope.
It has double unders, which is where the jump rope swings around twice for 1 jump. If you are unable to do double unders. Sub in 200 regular jump ropes for each round.
How’d you do?
I’ll update my time in a couple of hours after we finish hanging snowflakes, lunch, & school.
I have excuses, right? 🙂
If you’re looking for more no equipment workouts, check out one of these workouts below. Simply click on the link for the number of rounds and repetitions
Workout No 1: Walking Lunges & Pushups
Workout No 2: Run & Squats
Workout No 3: Jumping Squats, Hand Release Pushups, & Situps
Workout No 4: Double Unders & Pushups
Workout No 5: Tuck Jumps, Squats, & Broad Jumps
Workout No 6: Pushups, Situps, & Squats
Workout No 7: Run
Workout No 8: Double Unders & Situps
Workout No 9: Run, Squats, & Burpees
Workout No 10: Pushups, Squats, Situps, & Jumping Jacks
Workout No 11: Run, Squats, & Burpees (very similar to No 9…sorry folks!)
If you completed the workout, how did you do? If this is a repeat workout for you, did you improve on time or form? Let me know in the comments.
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13:05. I did regular jump ropes and pushup…which were killing me. I had to do them 3 at a time towards the end.
13:05. I did regular jump ropes and pushup…which were killing me. I had to do them 3 at a time towards the end.