FREE Printable Cookbook Covers – 3 Designs to Choose From

Alright, everyone!  Today I’m sharing with you my FREE printable cookbook covers.

In case you missed my cookbook posts, I have a series of blog posts I’ve written over the past year or so that delve into how to create, bind, and print a family cookbook.

A complete list of the posts I’ve published regarding cookbook creation is below:

Cookbook Size

These covers work for cookbooks that are printed on half sheets of the standard 8.5″ by 11″ paper and plan to use a TUL punch (interchangeable with Happy Planner) and discs or comb binding machine.

You will just need to cut your printed cookbook in half.  I HIGHLY recommend you get a guillotine cutter to make quick work of this job.

If there is enough interest, I will post a printable cover that is for a full sheet of 8.5″ by 11″, (in the event you want to print and put in a standard 3-ring binder, versus the half sheet binders.

Printable Cookbook Covers

I have 3 options for you to print, one just a slight variation of the other but with a script font.

Just click the image below for the cookbook you’d like to print and a new tab will open with the pdf download to print.

To Use Your Printable Cookbook Covers:

  1. Print the selected cover on cardstock
  2. Cut the cover out along the guide box
  3. Laminate the cover
  4. Trim
  5. Bind

If you have any questions, please let me know!


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