Debt Free – Our Motives

We’ve had an overwhelming response to the combined debt pay off and the update we had about Gordon and Sarah being debt-free.  From the bottom of our hearts…Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who has commented, contacted us, and shared what we’re doing.  It has been so encouraging to us.

The response has been mostly positive, but there are those people who think we are absolutely and entirely either crazy, irresponsible, or stupid.  And I’m okay with that.  *smile*

But I figured it was high time we talk about our motivation and reasons.

Most everyone agrees that having a load of debt is not a good thing.  Below are all GREAT reasons to get out of debt.  But next to each one, we’ve included our explanation of why we’re not motivated by them.

NOT Reasons We Want to be Debt Free

  1. Extra Spending Money.  I’d be a big fat liar if I didn’t admit that I’d love to have extra spending money.  Money that being debt-free would afford.  But that’s not why we’re doing this.
  2. The Economy.   The last time I checked it really stinks…bad my friends, but we aren’t motivated by that fact or the potential fear that comes with it.
  3. Increase Future Earnings.  There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just not our focus.
  4. Improve Our Credit Score.  No problems with it so we aren’t trying to fix it at all.
  5. Reduce Financial Stress.  We honestly didn’t have a lot of financial stress.  We live a pretty simple life.  Our bills were not overwhelming (though they may have been for the 3rd family and it’s a BLESSING to remove their financial stress)
  6. Financial Security.  Nah.  I think we’re on the brink of collapse and we find our security in Christ alone not paper money that has absolutely no real value behind it.

Our Reasons for Being Debt Free

  1. Ministry.  Mark and I have wanted to do missionary work for years but our debt held us back.  The other 2 families also want to do ministry work, though each of us has a different leading as of right now.
  2. Giving.  I remember reading Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love, which is inspiring and full of truth!  It is a great big kick in the pants but said with so much kindness you don’t get that he’s judging you or wacky.  He says tough stuff but he’s so nice about it.  It’s palatable.  And you DON’T walk away from the book saying that Chan is a jerk.  He has “extreme” views on giving.  It is sad to me that they are extreme, but they were for me.  All that to say, he inspired us.  We want to be able to bless and help others more freely.
  3. Simplified Lifestyle and Travel.  Being debt-free, we can full-time RV and find work on the road.  We have more options.  Our living expenses will be so much lower without a debt payment and then we have the freedom to go, minister, where needed, and live off very little if necessary.

So those are our reasons.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the list of 6 above ours.  They’re just not our reasons.

I know one thing is for certain, for all of the families involved. . .

We want our lives to count for something.

We want to choose the right path for us rather than the standard path that everyone is expected to follow.  Many paths open up when we ditch the debt.  With the debt, we’re seriously limited.

2 thoughts on “Debt Free – Our Motives”

  1. …& again, nothing short of exemplary…thank you for the inspiration to say yes to something bigger than yourselves…

  2. …& again, nothing short of exemplary…thank you for the inspiration to say yes to something bigger than yourselves…


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