Today I’m sharing a super easy and no-fuss way to make your own garden markers.
You might have gotten a peek at them in my last post about making your own wall of water for your tomato seedlings.

In the past, I have used simple write-on plastic markers to label what I have planted. Inevitably, the writing always comes off, and I forget what variety I planted.
This year, I decided to get out my ole trusty Dymo embossing labeler. I love the vintage look of it, and it’s so easy to use. The label will not wash away with the rain/dirt nor fade in the sun. These labels should last at least a couple of years and are the best way to track what is growing in the garden.
I created two types of labels for my garden: clothespins and popsicle /craft sticks:
Clothespin – this type works great for anything that grows up the cattle panel trellises that I installed. Not only do I use these for affixing my wall of water while my plants are smaller, but I will also clip the label to the cattle panel trellis, so it is off the ground and right next to my tomato vines. You are limited to 9 characters/clothespins. Below is my marker for my Thessaloniki Tomato plant.

Popsicle/Craft Stick – this type works well for any variety to be started by seed or direct sown, especially if you have multiple varieties. You are limited to 13 or 14 characters on a 6-inch long stick.
The process is super simple, and you probably do not even need to read the directions below, but you will need a few supplies. I recommend using glue on your markers/labels because the label will not adhere when the markers get wet.
- Dymo XPress Embossing Labeler & Tape
- 3/4″ wide popsicle/craft sticks or clothespins
- Tightbond Wood Glue (or another kind of gel-like super glue)
- Print out the plant name/variety on 3/8″ tape with your Dymo labeler.
- Cut the label.
- Remove the adhesive backing.
- Run a strip of Rapid Fuse along the back of the label.
- Firmly press against a popsicle or clothespin.
Not complicated at all. I will keep you all updated if this does not work as well as I envision.
Happy Gardening!