The Big Detour to a House

Today’s post has been difficult for me to formulate.  I’ve pondered this one for over a month now and haven’t figured out exactly how to share this bit of news so I’ll just throw it out there…

We are buying a house and moving out of the RV.

<deep breaths>

Since our RVing lifestyle is a major theme for my little space on the Internet, it’s been a challenge for me to figure out what this move means for the direction of this blog.

3 months ago, if you’d have asked me if we were going to continue RVing I would have said yes.  But circumstances have changed that’s why our family is taking a different route.

Our Reasons

1.  The Move to San Antonio.  The opportunities for Mark in San Antonio are permanent and traveling is not an option.  With what is on the horizon, he would go to work and actually love it!  The opportunity was too great to pass up.

2.  RVing is NOT Desirable in San Antonio.  Our current campground is expensive, (site fee, laundry, & electricity – summer).  Add to that, the fact that it is far from Mark’s work,  living in our RV has become more of a hassle than something we enjoy.  Summer heat will hit in a few months – argh.

4.  We are Debt-Free.  Yes!  This one is huge and it has given us the freedom to move back into a home without a camper payment.

3.  We Miss the Comforts of a Home.  The novelty of living in an RV wore off and there is no reason for us to continue at this point.  That’s blunt but it is honest. We could stay in the RV for the sake of having an RVing blog and bragging rights that we stuck it out.  That is just downright silly though.  Missing the comforts of home isn’t a major reason, but it is an element so it made the list.

Busyness of Life

On our Facebook page, I mentioned that I’m very busy.


  • Looking at real estate, which is very hot in San Antonio now.  In fact, 2 houses we put offers on, got away. (we have an offer out on the 3rd house now)
  • Working out at Helotes CrossFit.
  • Finding our Homeschooling routine again after so much transition and business.
  • Embracing motherhood again.  I had neglected my kids, the cooking, and the cleaning because I was so busy.  I rarely made treats for my kids.  I never took them to the park or library.  I’m finding my way back to who I am as an at-home mom.
  • Building new relationships and connecting with old friends.  This is a HUGE priority for us, and that takes time.

The New Lighter Life’s Future?

This little space in the cyber-world will be going through a transition.  I have several posts to put up about RVing.  I’ll continue to share about this topic as long as I have material that will offer a benefit to you, my faithful readers.

I’d equate this move back to a traditional home to a detour.  I’m excited about our journey.  The destination is still the same – Simple Living.  The path we take to get there is different than what we originally had planned.

I’ll end today’s post with a request…

If you have any RV-related questions, please shoot me an email or comment on what you’d like me to post about.

Looking forward to what 2014 brings!

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3 thoughts on “The Big Detour to a House”

  1. Congrats! One day at a time… The Lord is in control! I’m confident that you’ll find just the right house in just the right neighborhood to fit your needs. 😀

  2. Hi Boyink! Yes, we’ve been here for 3 weeks but we are at a campground on the NE side of San Antonio. Let us know when you’re in town!!


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