How to Organize Your Purse


For some time now, I’ve heard that Target no longer carries this style of Orla Kiely bag.  But I believe I’ve finally found a good replacement to share with you! 

This mini purse organizer has plenty of compartments, pockets, and pouches that I love about my Orla Kiely bag.

It’s also a great way to pack for your toiletries in your suitcase, travel bag, carry-on, weekender bag, handbag, or backpack.  There are so many uses; you can even use it as a travel cosmetic bag or a toiletry bag for your gym duffel.

My detailed essentials list below mostly applies to purse organization. Still, hopefully, it will help you determine the type of belongings you’d like to tote around with you for your other travel needs.

Best wishes and happy organizing!

*****END OF UPDATE*****

I’m so excited about a recent project I finished.

Today I’m sharing with you how to organize your purse or handbag. I don’t know about you, but my purse was a horrid mess!

Always digging for essentials and coming up empty-handed while we were out and about…no bandaids or breath mints…and let’s not even talk about the days I forgot to put on deodorant!  Eeeek!
How to Organize your Purse ~ Purse Organizer & Essentials

While at a planning meeting for CC recently, I was oohing and aahing over how organized 2 of the homeschooling moms were…like major organization envy!  Their organizers inspired me!  They were so beautiful and compact!

I tried to resist the urge to be a complete stalker, and I only asked them where they got their bag, an Orla Kiely bag.   Target.  I scored this baby for about $17, a little pricey in my book, but worth it.  These bags are in the makeup section, and I have to say I love mine!  LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!

Orla Kiely Makeup Bag Purse Organizer

It can hold quite a bit of goodies.  There are 3 different sections, and that middle section below (labeled personal care) is it’s own little attached self-contained bag that is easy to access when you unzip the zippers just to the point where the sides curve.

Makeup Bag Purse Organizer and Essentials

As you can see above, I keep my “stuff” compartmentalized, and it makes sense to me.  So here is what I have in each section…


Post Contents

  • Cough drops (2 kinds – 1 for me and 1 for the kids)
  • Tylenol
  • Alcohol wipe
  • Neosporin type gel
  • Plexus Fast Relief sample (just had to use this the other day)
  • Tissue
  • Bandaids
  • Tweezers
  • Nail Clippers
  • Stick of Plexus of Slim (just in case I forget to take mine or someone wants to try a pack of it)
  • Throat Coat Tea (I LOVE this stuff for sore throats!)

Look at all this stuff!!!  Keep in mind it’s winter.  For summertime, this will likely look different (bug spray, afterbite stick, etc.).  I consider this the main compartment of my purse organizer.

Medical Section of Purse Organizer

Next, we have the Personal Care section of my organizer.


  • Hand sanitizer
  • Lip moisturizer (okay…so I KNOW this is lanolin, but this stuff is awesome, and I still have samples from when I was in the hospital with Zander)
  • Deodorant
  • Hand lotion
  • Mints
  • Sanitary pad
  • Travel dental brush/picks
  • Hair ties
  • Hair clip
Personal Care Items for Purse Organizer

My last compartment is for odds and ends that I store in each pouch.

  • Shout wipes
  • Grocery bag folded like a triangle (love this tip and have been doing this for years)
  • Pen
  • Sunblock Bar
Purse Organizer Odds and Ends

I LOVE my organizer, and I finally have what I need to be contained!  My organizer has more room, but I didn’t want to cram too much in there…here are some other ideas you could add to your purse organizer…

  • Mirror
  • Protein Bar
  • Lip gloss/ lip stick
  • Bug bite stick (to stop the itch)
  • Bug spray
  • Flashlight
  • Extra cash
  • Bobby pins
  • Phone numbers in case of emergency
  • Note pad
  • Brush (but NOT for curly hair)
  • Safety pins
  • Sewing kit
  • Ginger chews (or Tums)

This is my list, but I’d love to hear what tiny essentials you keep in your purse.

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28 thoughts on “How to Organize Your Purse”

        • Oh no! I just looked for it on Target and on Amazon…no go. 🙁 I even looked for something comparable but I couldn’t find anything. Maybe they’ll come out with the bag design again. It was Orla Kiely brand.

        • Were you able to find the bag? I have the Target app and if you cant find in store then you can order it. My app told me what aisle and location of it in my Target store. Hope you find one if you already haven’t.

  1. I love this! I may need to go get one of those bags this week. My only other go to, of course, is my Erin Condren planner 🙂

    Happy to find out you have such a great blog! Can’t wait to browse.

  2. Hi, I have been searching high and low for these cases. Even Target doesn’t seem to stock them now. Does anyone know if this particular style is still available?

  3. I first saw this post about a week ago and right away I was on the hunt for the perfect bag and all the essentials to put in it. I of course looked for the one pictures or similar but I couldn’t find anything! Until today… There is a Sonia Kashuk makeup bag on I think would work nicely as a substitute. I just ordered mine and I can’t wait for it to come in the mail!

  4. For those who sew, there’s a terrific pattern for three sizes of “creative cases”. They can be easily customized to your needs. I plan to have a zipped bag in the center, for instance. I also plan to make them for packing cases for travel in larger sizes. I’ll have one for my purse, one for my large tablet computer that will hold my portable charger, car charger and wall charger, earbuds, and an extra battery, and I may even make one for Hubs’ stuff. They not only go traveling, but are very useful at home for organizing your most-used things.

  5. I just found this bag today in The Target in Woodbridge,VA. If you live in that area, there were two left after I picked up mine. It is an orange color instead of green. I was super excited to find it as I have been looking forever!!

    • Hi Jenn! Great question! They look pretty close in size but I’d probably get the large just to make sure I had enough room.


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