Downsizing Again!

Exciting things have been going on.

We are picking up our used Class A tomorrow! We are itching to get started on it and make some pretty sweet updates.

Since our camper is listed and we have a potential buyer coming to see it soon, I decided to go through the camper to de-clutter and purge.

Not only do we want the camper to be “show-ready,” which eerily feels like we’re selling a piece of real estate again. But we also NEED to downsize so we can fit into the smaller living space of the Class A.

It is amazing, shockingly amazing how much we accumulate. Even after we went from 1800 square feet to 300 square feet, we still have things we do not need. Things accumulate. I think it’s just a fact of life.

Here is my loot of junk after living in the camper for 4 months.


Really it’s not junk, just not needed or necessary. Ok, maybe it is junk.

But this is what I came up with after going through 90% of our camper. I still need to go through the underneath storage and the outdoor kitchen but can you believe it?? I can’t, but there it is.

And the great thing is it took me 3 hours to go through every single cabinet, drawer, storage tub, & basket. 3 hours.

In our regular house, it took me weeks (which I think is understandable given the space and amount of stuff). So I’m making it a goal to go through our belongings once a month and purge. Knowing that it only takes 3 hours makes it that much more doable.

If we lived in a normal house, I’d set the goal of going through one or two rooms once a month. I think that’s a reasonable goal and would keep the clutter and unnecessary away. Maybe even daily de-cluttering one area for 30 minutes a day would be work for some, (kinda like Fly Lady).

I prefer the once a month thing because, I don’t know about you, but once I start deep cleaning or clearing junk out I just want to do it all. I hate stopping in the middle of a job.

Anyway, that’s where we’re at and some of what we’ve been up to.

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2 thoughts on “Downsizing Again!”

  1. LOL – sometimes I wonder we should have bought a 5th wheel. I can’t wait to see what your new RV looks like!

    • Grass is always greener! 🙂 I think that post you put up about your reasoning for choosing a class A was excellent!


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