Forest River 365 SAQ Bunk Room – Tour

When we were shopping around for an RV, we were specifically concerned about one area, the Kid’s bunk room.  Follow along on our tour of our Forest River 365 SAQ bunk room. This is what sold us on buying this particular model.

The Kid’s Room

Really I was concerned about 2 areas.  But the kid’s bunk room became the most important area in our hunt.

Hey, y’all we got 4 kids you know!  *smile*

Actually, I know MANY families RV with more kids than we have, but still, we really wanted them to have a nice space.

Maybe it had something to do with RVing in South Dakota during freezing winters.  Call us crazy but we really wanted a bigger space for them to stretch out in.

In the end, we chose the Sandpiper 365 SAQ.

The Bunks

There are 4 bunks, two are twin and two are full size.  For all you non-RVers, that is camper size.  Which really is a smaller odd size.

This is the boy’s side, Z doesn’t need his bunk since he’s still in his pack n play
This is the view into their bunkroom from the main living area

Underneath is a nifty storage area that had a trundle mattress stored in when it came from the factory.  We put that in the storage unit because we didn’t need it.   We replaced the mattress with 4 of those flat plastic storage boxes.

This under-bed storage comes in HANDY!

We use 1 for legos and duplos, 2 for puzzles & games, & 1 for crafty things.

The girl’s side has a full-on top and a twin on the bottom, there is no storage under the bottom bunk because that area is used as part of the outdoor kitchen.  That bottom bunk also can be locked up to allow for extra playing space.

Back wall with storage

Hanging Storage

We love our hanging storage!  So much so, that you get to see the messy insides.

The Boys

The Girls

I’m very happy with it though, in spite of the disorganization.

For the back wall…on the bottom shelf, we put a bunch of books and the two outer net areas are for toys.

Now our BIG question!   We could really use your help and ideas.  We are NOT putting a TV in the kid’s bunk room because we are not big fans of the TV anyway.  So what would you do with this area above??

It is narrow and big enough to fit a 32″ TV.  Any ideas?

We also mounted hooks on the wall leading into the bunk room for the kid’s coats, one for each child.

The Bathroom

Lastly, the kid’s bunk room has a bathroom.  It’s not a huge one, and we’ve hardly used it because of Z napping and not wanting to disturb him.  I do think we’ll use it more in the summertime since it leads outside.

I store our cleaning supplies on the shelf on top. It works well and is out of the way.

Truthfully, if I could, I’d trade out that bathroom for more kitchen space.  BUT that’s not an option.  I really think after being in here for a while, I’d be able to be on the design team for Forest River.

So far they aren’t calling me to find out my opinion though.  A girl can dream.

Anyway, that’s the kid’s bunkhouse of our 365 SAQ Sandpiper.  I hope to get more areas up for “viewing” in the near future.

In order to do so, I need to get over the fact that my cabinets do NOT look neat and they are not perfectly organized. I keep reminding myself that this is a process that we’ll improve on as we go.

So there you have it.  Any ideas on the TV area?  For real.

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17 thoughts on “Forest River 365 SAQ Bunk Room – Tour”

  1. My first thought was because of the writing you put on the picture…paint it with chalkboard paint for a message or play area. Or hang a dry erase board.

  2. No ideas, but I’m a bit jealous. I would love the model you have but it’s completely out of my budget.

  3. Exactly my thoughts too…chalkboard, wipeboard, or even corkboard—for hanging pictures on! I put cork on the end cabinet in my kitchen, and love the extra space. =) Also, many/most wipe boards are also magnetic. =) I *LOVE* to organize and envy you and the organizing! Thank you for the tour! 🙂

    • Thank you Emily! So many great ideas! Maybe some sort of creative station…I’m thinking the area could be really cool!

    • Hi Jennifer! Yes!! A magnet board…have you seen those magnet words that kids can make sentences out of? Magnet dress up dolls…letters. Lots of cool things they could do with magnets!

  4. Looks good girl! I thought of a chalkboard too when I saw the writing. In fact, that’s what I thought it already was. ;). Maybe you can get creative with hanging storage containers for the chalk in the places that the outlets are…???

    • Thank you Mackenzie!! I really like the idea of hanging storage!! Maybe both sides, since there are plugs on both sides.

  5. I’ve been poking around your blog and about page. I’m excited to follow along on your adventures=) I vote chalkboard paint with chalk pens(no dust and much more fun). It could be a place where you and your husband leave notes to the kids Nothing like sweet words from mama and daddy.

    • Hi Melissa! Yes, I hate the chalkboard dust as well! I was in Hobby Lobby this past Saturday and they have multicolored chalkboard pens! Love the idea of leaving sweet notes to the kids! I have 2 readers and they’d get a kick out of it I’m sure! 🙂 Maybe magnetized chalkboard (sheet metal spray painted with chalkboard paint). My mind is still working it all out.

  6. Reading this makes me feel like part of a group!! My family of 4 has been in a camper for a year and I don’t know anyone else who lives in one!! It has been quite an adventure, some good, some not so great, but it can be done! I hope you are able to get settled in and find a good groove for your family. It is nice for the family to be close (all the time) and it is great for saving money! Looking forward to following your blog 🙂


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