RV Deco Mirror Update

True to 90’s fashion, our 96′ Winnebago Adventurer had some ugly brass deco mirrors.  Thankfully, there were only 2 and they were in the bathroom.  These mirrors were in desperate need of a redo.  I figured out you could scrape the frosted look off with a razor blade.  But after that, I was stuck.


So our 2 doors sat with the faux bronze for several months.

All the while, I ran through options to purge the 90’s right out of those bad boys.  Chalkboard paint, replacing with new mirrors, painting, covering with fabric, I was hoping some stroke of creativity would hit me.

I kept coming up dry on ideas though and one day I was discussing my dislike for the mirrors with Mark.  My knight in shining armor went over to the door and started prying off the faux brass. Be still my heart!  He’s my hero!


This redo took all of 5 minutes.  5 minutes and we got rid of all of the ugly mirror brass.

glue-on-90s-paneled-mirrorAfter pulling off the brass, we found the glue was still on so we scraped that away and they are like new.  scraping-glue-from-paneled-mirror

We may add caulking to fill the gap that was there due to the “brass” being wedged between the frame and the mirror.  But oh what a change.  We are very pleased and I didn’t even have to get out the modge podge.

Updated-90s-mirror-rvSo if I was to do this over again, I’d pry off the “brass” and then razor blade the entire mirror.  It’s be much easier and quicker that way.

But I’m so happy to say goodbye to the 90s!

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2 thoughts on “RV Deco Mirror Update”

  1. Hi Julie: I found your blog when looking for ideas to remodel our ’99 motor home and I love what you’ve done and I have to say impressed that you and your family have simplified your life. Most of all that you are doing it with your kids! Haha I was impressed with us doing it with 3 cats! It’s so refreshing to be divorced from “stuff” and enjoying the simpler things in life. I do have a question regarding the brass around the shower etc. did you ever consider doing anything with it? It’s one thing I dislike about our decor and would love to hear any pointers.


    • Thank you Laurie! We are now living in a traditional home but that year and a half was a wonderful experience!

      To answer your question, we had thought about redoing the shower surround. I believe there is a paint you can carefully apply to “brass” or you can also tape it off and spray paint it. We never got that far on the remodel but I found this site you might find useful.


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