Selling Out

We hadn’t intended to share our plans to sell but since we posted our Craigslist ad on Facebook, I figured I should update here as well.

We’ve been pondering this decision for a couple of months and set the wheels in motion at the beginning of January.  You’ll remember I posted about our buyer’s remorse.

We had accepted it. Yes. But one evening, Mark and I were kicked back in the camper dreaming and lamenting over how long it will be until we could actually travel. Realistically, we knew it’d be at least 2 if not 3 years until we go anywhere. Unless we win the lottery and we’re not about to flush cash into that money pit.

When we decided to move into an RV our goal was to be debt-free and travel.  We wanted an RVer lifestyle. We didn’t do all of this so we could live in a really nice camper. At the end of the day, when we evaluate where we’re at as far as those goals, we do have a lifestyle change – yes – to some degree.  But really what we have is a really nice camper and we have debt.

We’ve made mistakes and we’d rather move on (if possible) than live in this mistake for years.

So back to our conversation…my mind started going down the trail of what we could do if we had bought a used RV and fixed it up.  Before I knew it, we were listing our RV on Craigslist and calling local dealerships.

Our plan is to sell the RV (we’re already figuring in taking a loss on it) in the next couple of months.  We have been looking at used Class A’s.  We’ll remodel the Class A and update it.

This is of course if all goes as planned.  We haven’t sold our camper yet and we haven’t bought a Class A.  But we are hopeful at the possibilities.  We could stick it out and pay this camper off but 2 to 3 more years of being stationary may just drive us both batty.  If it has to be that way, we’ll be fine. But it doesn’t hurt to try.

In the meantime, if you know anyone who is interested in buying a 2013 365 SAQ Sandpiper Quad Bunkhouse, we’d appreciate you passing our info on.  The craigslist ad is here. (UPDATE: We sold our 5th Wheel!!!!)

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3 thoughts on “Selling Out”

    • Ha! Well it’s complicated. It really all depends on when our current camper sells. RV aka Recreational Vehicle, I use that term interchangeably with camper, 5th wheel, & class A but maybe I shouldn’t. 🙂

      We do not want to move back into our house, (and we have a lease with our renters until after summer). We’re set on traveling full-time 365 days of the year (or at least between work). So many UNanswered questions.

  1. Love it! Your family is not only an inspirational example, but you’re a publicly, humble & transparent inspirational example! Hope it sells for top dollar!


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