Alright, I’m having a hard time containing my excitement about getting back into the garden! Ya’ll it’s April!! Can you hear my excitement?!?! This is is a big month and we actually get to start planting directly in the garden this month. I’ll get into that in a minute but first, let me share with you what seeds to start in April for zone 5A.
SIDE NOTE: If you are in a different USDA Zone (I’m in 5A) you can go to Gardinate to figure out what you can/should start.
April is a big month for vegetables but a HUGE month for flowers. I am heading to the greenhouse this week to pick up some new flower seeds to try. I don’t know if you’re like me but I love to have flowers but hate buying annual starts. I’m hoping to remedy that this year by starting even more flowers from seed.
Without further adieu, here is a list of what you can plant in your seed starting trays in April for zone 5A.
Vegetables to Start in April
- Artichoke (until mid-month)
- Arugula (until mid-month)
- Bok Choy (until mid-month)
- Broccoli (all)
- Brussel Sprouts (until mid-month)
- Cabbage (all)
- Cauliflower (until mid-month)
- Celery (mid-month)
- Chicory (all)
- Chili Peppers (all)
- Collards (all)
- Cress (all)
- Eggplant (until mid-month)
- Kale (all)
- Leeks (all)
- Lettuces (until mid-month)
- Okra (mid)
- Onion (until mid-month)
- Radicchio (all)
- Scallions (until mid-month)
- Sorrel (all)
- Spinach (mid)
- Swiss Chard (all)
- Tomatillo (all)
- Tomato (all)
Flowers to Start in April
- Agastache (mid)
- Ageratum (all)
- Alyssum (until mid-month)
- Aster (all)
- Begonia (all)
- Bells of Ireland (all)
- Calendula (all)
- Celosia (all)
- Chamomile (all)
- Cleome (all)
- Coleus (all)
- Convolvulus (all)
- Coreopsis (all)
- Cornflower (until mid-month)
- Coneflower (all)
- Cosmos (until mid-month)
- Cuphea (all)
- Dianthus (until mid-month)
- Dusty Miller (until mid-month)
- Gaillardia (all)
- Gazania (all)
- Geranium (mid)
- Gomphrena (all)
- Heliotrope (all)
- Impatiens (mid)
- Johnny Jump Up (until mid-month)
- Lantana (all)
- Lavender (all)
- Lobelia (until mid-month)
- Marigold (all)
- Monarda (all)
- Morning Glory (all)
- Nicotiana (all)
- Nigella (mid)
- Osteospermum (mid)
- Pansy (until mid-month)
- Petunia (all)
- Phacelia (all)
- Phlox (all)
- Poached Egg (all)
- Portulaca (all)
- Salpiglossis (mid)
- Salvia (all)
- Scabiosa (all)
- Scarlet Sage (all)
- Snapdragon (until mid-month)
- Stock (until mid-month)
- Sweet Pea (all)
- Tansy (until mid-month)
- Valerian (all)
- Verbena (all)
- Vinca (all)
- Zinnia (all)
Herbs to Start in April
- Catnip (all)
- Chamomile (all)
- Chives (all)
- Cilantro (all)
- Comfrey (all)
- Fennel (all)
- Lemon Balm (all)
- Lemon Verbena (all)
- Lovage (all)
- Marjoram (all)
- Oregano (all)
- Parsley (all)
- Sage (all)
- Tarragon (mid)
- Valerian (all)
That’s all for today friends! It’s a doozy of a list right?!
Since we can plant in the dirt OUTSIDE this month, I’m working on a post that will delve into actual in-ground planting for the month of April. So be on the lookout for that post coming soon!
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